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Doctor & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctor and staff who make Bryden Family Vision a proud provider of vision care products and services in Lewiston.

Jason Ritter, O.D.

Photo of Dr. RitterDr. Ritter is a 3rd generation Idahoan. He completed a bachelor’s degree in psychology at the University of Idaho before deciding to become an optometrist. After graduation, Dr. Ritter spent time trying out several blue-collar jobs and quickly realized he needed more of a challenge. Reflecting on his father’s earlier desire to become an optometrist, he decided he would go back to school and become an eye doctor. He went back to Moscow and took pre-requisites for optometry school and then received his Doctor of Optometry degree at Pacific University in 2014. After graduation, he found his dream job opportunity as a business owner and he purchased Bryden Family Vision.

In his 3rd year at Pacific, Dr. Ritter met his future wife and they were married just 2 months after they met! They have four kids, their eldest affectionately named Bon Scott Ritter (after the lead singer of Dr. Ritter’s favorite band AC/DC), Wren, Jack, and Cora.

He enjoys spending time with his family at home, but also loves getting out and visiting different parts of his beautiful native Idaho. He enjoys golfing, white water rafting and downhill skiing.

Meegan Ritter

Photo of MeeganMeegan joined the office in 2014 when she and Dr. Ritter took over the practice. She is our office manager. She grew up in the Portland area and met Dr. Ritter while he was attending Pacific University. They have 4 children, Bon, Wren, Jack and Cora.

Meegan is passionate about her community and is active in the local Rotary club and is on the Lewiston Library Foundation Board. She enjoys working with the staff at Bryden Family Vision and is always striving to make the office a special place for the loyal patients that we serve here in the LC Valley.

Photo of CoraCora Nelson

Cora joined our practice back in April as our receptionist and has since fallen in love with the eye care industry! She enjoys being challenged in a new environment and focuses on meeting the vision needs and requests of our patients. She finds the most rewarding part of her job is seeing how happy our patients are when their vision is improved through the use of glasses or contacts.

Cora grew up in the small town of Juliaetta, Idaho where she spent much of her childhood exploring the outdoors with her 4 brothers. She now lives in Lewiston with her partner, 3 cats, gecko, and frog. In her spare time, she partakes in Netflix marathons, reading, gardening, shopping, and the various recreational activities our beautiful valley has to offer!